How to post a job as a private client

job Post for private client

Afriwork Support

Last Update a year ago

Posting a job as a private client doesn't require you any special registration. You can post your job as a private client just with a few clicks.

First, go to the Freelance Ethiopia Homepage, click login, and continue to the next step.

Once you signed in you will see a list of accounts you have created, select the private client Box
After you choose the private client option then click the choose account type to continue.

On the next window after you choose your account type you will be asked to subscribe from three of the payment packages available. There are three packages available:

- The Silver package, 15,000 for three months

- The Gold Package, 25,000 for six months

- The Platinum Package, 40,000 for a year

Choose one of the packages that fits your business needs and continue.

Once you choose the package of your preference the you will be redirected to the payment window. There you need to choose your preferred wallet, at the moment CBE and Tele Birr are the only wallets available, more will be added soon. choose one of them from the two and continue, for this demonstration we choose Tele birr.
You will be taken to the next window where you will be asked to start processing the payment. To process the payment you need to mention the phone number that you use to make the payments. on the box available put your phone number and click next.
Once you have click continue the web will process your payment request and send you a confirmation request for you to make the payment. A USSD message will pop up on your phone and request you to submit your password to make the payment. 

After you choose your account type you will be encountered with the page that asks you with

The job posting page.

After that you need to select the post a job button

Then you will need to add the necessary information about your job post

  1.Enter the job title for the position you want to post

2. Select employment type from the drop down
3. Choose the sector of the position( not the sector of your company for example you may be a company working on agriculture and wanted to hire an accountant, if you are hiring an accountant then you select the sector of accounting and finance not the sector of your company)
4. Choose experience level from the drop down
5. Select a gender preference 
6. Select application deadline 
7. How many people are you hoping to hire 
8. After entering the necessary information click the “continue” button

Then you will be encountered with a page requesting you to enter your job description.

  • Your job description may indicate
  • A brief overview of your company
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Preferred qualification of your ideal candidates and
  • Any information that you think is important 

After entering your Job description then click continue

At the next stage of your job posting process is where you enter working location and skills and competencies required and also the salary amount

  1. salary/compensation: select the payment type

2.Put the amount that you have on your budget

3.Choose working location

    3.1 choose country

3.2 choose the city where you want hire candidate from

4.Enter skills and competencies 

5. After you finish click continue
6. One of the advanced features we have is that you could add your screening questions to your job post which make the filtering process much more easier. If you don't have any filtering questions you can skip this section by directly clicking the click button.
 7. After this you will receive a whole summary of your post on your screen just in case you want to edit something. There are edit buttons that takes you directly to the section you want to edit. But if you are don editing you can submit your job post for approval
8. Make sure you received this confirmation image 
9. Your job post will be evaluated and posted in less than 24 hours and it will be posted live. once your job is posted you will start accepting applications from applicants.

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