How to register your company as representative
register company as representative
Afriwork Support
Last Update há um ano
Go to open the Afriwork Home page
If you have created a profile, select the login option and login with your login details
If you haven’t created a profile yet, select the signup option

Select “Corporate Company” from the list of profile options.

- Fill in the details of your company
- Insert the official name of your company,
- Upload the trade license in the form of an image or pdf
- Select the “Representative” option
- Upload your Identification Card, Passport or Driving License
- Upload a letter that indicates you have been anointed to represent the company in the form of an image or a pdf file

Wait for the Support team to review your documents and approve the registration of your company

Select your company from the list of profiles. If this is the first time you have created a profile, you will only have one company in the list.

Select the industry sector in which your company is engaged and the number of employees your company has from the options provided in the list.

Provide the official phone number (starting in +251) and email address of your company.

Provide the country and city in which your company is based.

Provide the social media accounts your company has; including your website, YouTube channel and other digital mediums that represent your company.

Provide a detailed description of the services your company provides.

Provide a general overview of your company in the bio section.

Upload the logo of your company in the form of an image

Once you have finished inserting the details of your company, you will be invited to choose between the different subscription plans. Select the subscription option that best fits your needs.

Once you select the subscription plan, a new window will open for you to select between the payment getaways of Telebirr and CBE birr, More wallets are coming soon. Select your preferred payment getaway.

Insert your number and press continue

You will be indicated to confirm payment on your phone.

You will finally receive confirmation that your payment has been confirmed and your subscription has been commenced